florabunda: a personal obsession

Had a chance last week to stroll through the Stenzel Healing Garden at Good Samaritan Hospital with my camera again. The fall hasn't really started yet, though the signs are clearly evident that summer is winding down.

My mother the watercolorist loved to paint flowers of all kinds, especially bouquets.  I never thought about it much until it gradually became apparent that I, too, seem to love to capture images of flowers and plants of all kinds.  Who knew?! Now I crave the luxury of a garden patch in the sun to grow my own assortment of annuals and a few perennials to cut for bouquets and arrangements to shoot.

Though it's actually quite hot this week, the season is coming to an end. Maybe next year I'll have some room for a flowerbed of my own. Meanwhile, I'll keep shooting other people's gardens. No one seems to mind.

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