My immortality is secure: another son for my daughter, bringing my grandchild total to 3. Griffin James Hyland was born on St. Patrick’s Day! Our family is now blessed with an official leprechaun, his wicked charm already evident, and I’m finding myself starved for his little face, the slight heft of his warm perfection in my arms, even though it’s only been a week since I last held him! He will visit again next weekend with his beautiful, healthy mom and his still-astonished dad, and his big brother, of course. How lucky is that?!

March 17th we arrived at the hospital just minutes after his first breaths, his big brother so awed and thrilled to hold him. It’s hard to tell from these photos, but Griffin’s hair is quite fair—maybe blonde—and he has incredibly long, white eyelashes; his face is expressive and alert, knitting his brows as he looks deeply into his mother’s face when she holds him. I wish she would allow me to take her picture. I will continue to work on this.
Last Sunday after he nursed and burped and got a diaper change, he fell asleep on my lap, secure and calm. Oblivious to tsunamis and earthquakes, wars and nuclear meltdowns, subduction zones and dictators, life arrives regardless, eats, poops and takes a nap.
Congratulations, Elizabeth! The family groweth!
Thanks, Sherry! Yours has enlarged recently too, I've noticed. :)
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